Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back home again.....

We got home late yesterday afternoon, exhausted! We finally got to meet our new daughter, Nevaeh. She is beautiful and smiley, with an infectious giggle. The initial meeting was difficult, there were SO many people there, foster parents, birth mom, foster parents adult children, Nevaehs worker, Nevaeh's court appointed gaurdian, the foster parents adult children (no one could quite figure out why they were there, but they were.

The rep from our adoption agency, Mike, described the initial atmosphere in there home as hostile (to those of us there regarding Nevaeh's adoption) but it did improve with time.

We each got to hold her a bit, when Mike and the gaurdian convinced foster mom that she needed to let us hold her.

We were also able to go to her therapy appts with her the next day before we departed for home, very helpful in understanding the current goals. Also received copies of her current medical records which were very enlightening to read through as we found them to not be consistent with the information foster mom and birth mom were sharing. Nevaeh needs to get a lot of things in place that are not currently being done, it would also appear that some treatments she is currently getting may not be appropriate for her. We can begin sorting all that out when we get her home.
We spoke with Mike by phone on our way home, he expressed concern regarding foster family changing their minds about the adoption. This makes us all the more eager to get her home. Not only do we see her as our daughter, but as mentioned before, it does not appear that her current programming is meeting her needs, although i beleive foster mom is well intentioned.
Anyway, I need to sign off as i have a nursing agency coming to interview regardin Nevaeh's overnight cares and then need to drive out to pick up a bunch of Alexandra's freinds for an overnight party. Will leave you with some pics of our initial meeting, also posting pics of Addie on her Birthday.
Blessings! -DeAnna

1 comment:

  1. so sorry it was all so difficult for you.. big hugs... I'll be praying for all of you.. the sooner u can get her to your home, the better it sounds like. hugs to you! note/ I emailed ya about the MW kit.
