Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Go Bonnie!

My dear freind Bonnie (see picture) WON a Cricut Expression today! I was so excited for her, I think I can hear her screams all the way from Fargo! I love seeing wonderful things happen to wonderful people. God has really been showing himself to me lately, and not just through a Cricut. After a five year uphill battle, we FINALLY were blessed with a spot at the Academy for the Blind for Annie. There just are things she can't learn from sighted people. It would be like trying to submerse yourself in chinese culture without going to China. Ain't gonna happen.

We had also been working for close to a year on getting one of our other children into a theraputic program that we have hopes will be able to help her. We finally heard today she has a spot starting in June! God is just amazing. I know that all the time, but sometimes I need reminded. Big shout out to all the parents with special needs kids, you know what I am talking about. Sometimes we have to work so hard to have our childs needs met, it just makes you want to beat your head on a wall. I remember right after we adopted Annie, the lifegaurd at the healthclub we belonged to told us Annie couldn't use the waterslide, because she's blind. I just couldn't understand that....now if she was a qaudrapalegic (sp?) I guess I could understand a bit more, but shes' just BLIND. I tried to explain the law to them. They were not interested. We cancelled our membership. Little did I know then that it would be one of the lesser battles we would fight.

Anyway, God has always made it possible. These last two weeks was just a wonderful reminder that he is here in the big stuff and the small stuff. Thanks, Bonnie.

1 comment:

  1. Go me! LOL GOD IS really everywhere.. He sure is... I have seen that time and time again!
    hugs Deanna! and yes, you chose the right picture.. LOL
